NAFHAC is America’s only non-profit association dedicated to supporting FHA 203k consultants by providing education, referrals, resources and support for everything involved with the FHA renovation loan program. Through NAFHAC, you can obtain certification to do 203k consultations after you receive FHA approval. NAFHAC provides you with the steps and tools to accomplish both FHA 203k approval and NAFHAC certification.
Levels of Membership
Certified NAFHAC Consultants
Certified NAFHAC Consultants have met the requirements to be a certified 203k consultant. Through 203k In A Box, they have gone through vigorous training to learn how to become one of the most successful 203k consultants in the industry. Within their membership, they have been provided with everything they need to learn, grow, and master 203k consulting. Members have been provided a thorough training system, complete with training manuals and audio/video recordings, that have fully prepared them to handle their responsibilities as a HUD consultant. They have also learned how to complete all of the necessary reports, including feasibility studies, work write-ups and draw requests. Because of this, more and more lenders are ONLY looking to NAFHAC for 203k consultants.
Candidate members
Candidate members are home inspectors in the process of becoming Certified 203k Consultants.
Consultant Engineers
Consultant Engineers are certified 203k consultants who have gone through intense training. They have completed at least 100 203k projects and been trained first-hand by Catherine Hall.